10 Clever Tips On How To Make A Guy Fall In Love With You
You definitely know that it’s almost impossible to make a guy fall for you. Yeah, we all have failed trying at least once in our lives. But you can actually encourage your dream guy to feel the same way you do. Before making crazy mistakes all crazy-in-love girls usually regret later, learn this interesting strategy. This info will help you increase his affection for you even without him noticing it at first.
1) First of all, guys like girls who care about themselves. The ugly truth is, men not only find women attractive because of their personality. The first they see in a woman is her whole look. That’s why, if you’re trying to live a healthy life, care about your skin, hair, nails etc., be sure, you have more chances to conquer his heart on your first meeting where you want to put forth the best first impression. Love yourself!
2) Stay confident. We feel more confident when we look and feel great, right? Confidence is the key to attraction. Why not use it? It is good not to be afraid to show what you like and what you want. This makes a man you like feel more valuable.
3) Eye contact. Making eye contact is what couples who are in love will typically do. When you look into his eyes, you’re not only making him understand that you’re interested, but also may make him believe he’s falling in love with you. There’s nothing to be afraid of, but if you think, it’s too early yet, try giving him quick glances.
4) Confidence is surely good, but don’t forget to make him feel he’s a real man. It’s no secret, men enjoy it. Don’t be afraid to ask him for help, make him feel needed, show him that you can rely on him and the guy will rely on you. This makes your relationship deeper, leading it to something called love. Ask him to open that jar.
5) Smile more. Why not to use your easiest weapon? There’s nothing to be shy about. Your irresistible smile will make you both feel happier. Now add that magical eye contact… You’re irresistible!
6) Try to be like him. Studies say that we are usually attracted to people, who resemble our interests, habits, facial expressions, appearance or personality. Considering this fact, you can manipulate a bit and increase his interest. But don’t overdo! If you’re not actually into GTA or diving, he will understand this in the near future. Faking your personality or hobbies may lead to disaster, however, you may actually try things you haven’t done before and find them interesting. Try to experiment. Or, if you already have similarities with him, try to emphasize them more.
7) Attract his touch. If you want to instantly attract hit attention, try wearing red clothes or use a red lipstick. This color increases passion in both men and women. Also, you can bring a nice soothing effect wearing pleasant textures he will want to touch. Pick clothing made of silk, microfiber or faux fur.
8) Care about him. Your dream guy can be gallant but showing some care from your side will also come in handy here. A hint: guys love to eat. Make him a sandwich and let him feel weak in the knees immediately.
9) Switch on his testosterone button. Good thing girls can easily manipulate those things by showing off our legs or decollate. Emphasize your figure by wearing attractive dresses and make him think about you at least half an hour a day.
10) Don’t be afraid to ask him out. As long as you feel confident and in “his league”, there’s no chance he will reject you, especially, if he’s single and available.
11) Don’t stress out. Remember: keep it cool. Yes, you may think about him all the time and dream about how the relationship will develop. But don’t stop focusing on your life, continue seeing your friends, going to clubs, visiting the gym, spending time with your parents. This guy shouldn’t ruin your career and study process.
Try not to make him think you’re obsessed, because it can scare him away. It is important to understand, that you both have lives outside the relationship.
And please, don’t check your phone every 3 minutes. This won’t make him text you more.
10 Clever Tips On How To Make A Guy Fall In Love With You
Reviewed by Unknown
1:53 PM
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