5 Natural Ways to Remove Unwanted Body Hair

 Honey and Lemon
The wonder years of a girl’s life have got to be the time before she hits puberty. Once the teen age takes over, there’s a mountain of problems every girl has to climb and get over! Whether its peer pressure, looking good or dealing with boys, there are obstacles at every step! Fortunately some problems have easier solutions. Removing body hair, for instance, doesn’t have to be a hindrance to growing up. 
Here are some natural hair removal techniques that you can try to get to slow down or remove body hair growth.

Oil Massage

You would never have guessed that something as relaxing as an oil massage will help keep body hair at bay too. Regular rigorous massaging helps create friction on the skin, making hair softer and thinner. The more you massage your body, the more you increase your chances of closing down hair roots altogether. You can use warm massage oils, such as mustard oil, or castor oil, to keep skin smooth even while removing hair

Gram Flour Scrub

Our grannies often come out with the best home remedies and this one too, is right from their bag of wonders! You can make a pasty body scrub using some gram flour, curd and a few drops of your favourite oil, such as olive or jojoba. Apply all over your body, especially at places with more hair growth. Once it starts drying, scrub hard till it starts to peel off. The effects won’t be immediate of course, but if done regularly, say, once or twice a week, it is sure to reduce hair growth and its reappearance.

Lemon Honey Paste

This remedy is especially good for removing facial hair. Make a paste using four teaspoon honey and juice of one lemon. Rub gently for 15 minutes all over the face in the direction opposite to your hair growth. Wash off with lukewarm water. This can effectively clear your facial skin, if carried out twice or thrice a week.


Mess alert! This home remedy is quite similar to waxing, except it is done using natural ingredients and without any chemicals. This is however, a bit messy and quite sticky, but it works! You will need half a cup of water, 4 tablespoons of sugar and 1 teaspoon lemon juice. Mix everything and heat in a pan till it bubbles up to a smooth texture. Cool it to a lukewarm temperature, and apply a thin layer in the direction of your hair growth. Use a strip of muslin cloth to cover the area, press for two minutes, and pull it off in one swift move. Repeat all over the body. The effects of sugaring can last as long as 6 weeks.

Dough Ball

This particular remedy is even used on babies to thin out or stop body hair growth. All you need is a ball of kneaded dough, dipped in some oil. Rub the ball rigorously all over the body where hair growth is high. Over time it will surely reduce hair growth, so it is best to start early!
Hair growth can also be affected by changes in diet and lifestyle. A cup of spearmint tea twice a day is known to reduce male sex hormones in the body, that cause hair to grow. If you’re overweight, now is a good time to take up an exercise routine, as excess weight can also contribute to hair growth. With these simple home remedies, you can have a smooth, envious body naturally!
5 Natural Ways to Remove Unwanted Body Hair 5 Natural Ways to Remove Unwanted Body Hair Reviewed by Unknown on 12:41 PM Rating: 5

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