Best Natural Ways to Stay Beautiful

Being exposed to pollutions, chemicals and sun all the time, and suffering from inadequate diet, leads to damaging of our natural body balance. This imbalance affects our skin, too. There is no such make up that can make you look pretty if your body is not healthy. Still, there are several tips how to stay beautiful and feel good inside.

Remember to clean and moisture your face two times a day, in the morning and before you go to bed. It is important to choose the cleanser that suits the type of your skin. Mild or baby soap are also good choices. Doing this, your skin will be fresh and clean.
Smile is the prettiest jewel someone can wear, so make sure you did your best to maintain your teeth white. In order to do this, brush your teeth twice a day and use whitening toothpaste.

It is very important to cleanse your whole body and excrete toxic wastes. The healthiest, and also the easiest way to do this is to drink approximately two liters (8 glasses) of water every day. Almost 75% of our body is made of water and without it your body would perish in just three days.

Fruit is also important in keeping your skin healthy. You should have five portions of fruit every day.
Different activities can also make you pretty. You can choose any type of exercise you want, but you have to be active if you want to be healthy and beautiful.

If you don’t have a good sleep every night, it will have bad effect on your skin. Due to a lack of sleep, red spots appear on your face, and your wrinkles are also magnified. The reason for this is that your body is stressed, you breath is shallow and your hearts beats faster. There is no enough oxygen in your blood and this can destroy collagen, which is responsible for the elasticity, in your skin. Try to sleep eight hours per night, and once in a week go to bed before ten. You should also try meditation, deep breathing, yoga or other techniques that will reduce stress.

If you are stressed, you may suffer from hair loss, since your body produces more adrenaline when stressed, thus enabling nutrients to flow to your hair. In order to fight this, you should add food rich in magnesium to your diet, like garlic, green leafy vegetables and sunflower seeds, since magnesium is good for fighting stress. Another way to fight stress is to walk for at least 20 minutes, because sunlight is beneficial for the production of serotonin which is also a good stress-fighter.

Use only skin care products which are natural. Those that are made of chemicals have bad long term effects on your skin. There are stores where you can get natural product for a low price.
Best Natural Ways to Stay Beautiful Best Natural Ways to Stay Beautiful Reviewed by Unknown on 2:37 PM Rating: 5

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