Finding Help in Your Community

As well as national schemes that provide help for people with mental illnesses there are also many local groups based all around the country. These consist of charities, private councillors and government funded initiatives as well as other support groups based around community centres or local religious groups. Which services are available to you is dependent on where you live, but it is well worth finding out what help is at hand.

Types of Help Available

Your G.P. – If you haven’t already then going to see your local G.P. should be your first point of call. They will be able to talk through any concerns you have, refer you to a specialist, prescribe medication and inform you of any local organisations that could help you further.
Community Mental Health Nurses – You may be referred by your G.P. to see a community mental health nurse who is specially trained in helping people who suffer from mental illnesses. As well as being someone to talk to they can also prescribe medication and introduce you to community support groups or local charities from whom you could benefit.
Counsellors – A counsellor is someone who can help you talk through your problems or anxieties and help you find assistance with day-to-day living if you require it. A counsellor could be a private therapist or provided by your local health authority. If you wish to speak to a counsellor then ask your G.P. or community mental health nurse who can talk you through your options.
Psychotherapists – Psychotherapists are specially trained to help treat your illness by talking through your problems, perscribing medication and other therapies. While psychotherapy is available from your local health authority there is often a long waiting list. However, there may be some help provided by charities that operate in your area or, if it is financially viable, you may want to seek private care.
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