1- WATER, WATER, WATER! - So simple and inexpensive yet SO EFFECTIVE. Ladies, water is what the bulk of our bodies is comprised of. It allows so many important cellular functions to take place AND by drinking enough of it, it can offer relief from things like constipation, food cravings, fatigue, dry skin, headaches, excess body fat even water-retention problems. Without enough water, your body is not flushing out toxins properly. If toxins are not being eliminated properly, it affects your physiology. Everyone should be drinking EIGHT to TEN 8oz. glasses of water (preferrably purified) per day. Try to do this for 3 months and let me know if you have noticed positive changes and more beautiful skin.

2- SUN EXPOSURE - Our sun is a magnificient wonder of nature and indispensable to life. Being out in the sun is healthy and unfortunately there is too much negative press lately about completely avoiding the sun. The skin cancer scares have caused the entire population to regress and retract from any sun exposure at all, which is not good.

The truth is, a regular dose of it is necessary for maintaining adequate Vit D levels, which in turn is necessary for a myriad of reasons (but that topic is for another website...). Anyhow, limit an overdose of sun exposure and when you are outdoors, protect your skin with a good quality sunscreen to block out harmful rays which will decrease your chances of a nasty sunburn.
Years of neglect will, over time, render obvious signs of aging such as sun spots, hyperpigmentation, premature wrinkles, spider veins, etc....

3- EXFOLIATION: Our bodies shed many many many dead skin cells every day. Many of which are still laying on your body's skin surface. If not cleaned regularly, your skin, particularly your face can be greatly affected by these dead skin cells. They can end up clogging your pores and creating the perfect harvesting medium for bacteria, thus, clogging your pores. This results in blackheads, pimples and acne. It is of great importance to exfoliate to rid your skin surface of dead skin cells. A good cleanser will also allow a little deeper cleansing to ensure some of the stubborn cells still trying to cling on for dear life can be sloughed away as well. A good exfoliator will get the job done without being too harsh on your beautiful skin.

4- OMEGA 3's: Now here is one of the absolute best anti-aging and skincare tip around. Unfortunately, little of us know about the effectiveness of OMEGA 3 fatty acids.

Did you know that upping your intake of omega 3 will help your skin look younger, decrease pimples/blemishes/acne, boost your brain power as you get older, help with inflammation in your body and keeps your heart health is check? That's right. Omega 3 is an essential fatty acid and fatty acids are vital for the proper functioning of every cell in your body and that includes your skin.
Omega 3 fatty acids maintain the structure and fluidity of the cell membrane making sure nutrients enter the cell and waste products are removed. They also have the ability to decrease inflammation (which is what acne is...inflammation/infection). As your body can’t make these fatty acids – it has to constantly replenish them from food intake.
I had once recommended Omega 3 fish oils to our nanny who had serious acne. I wish to this day I had taken before and after pictures to have been able to prove it to the world. In just 5 days, the inflammation and redness had decreased so dramatically that my husband asked if I knew how she cleared up her complexion. He was astounded. If you have acne, you should seriously consider using the Omega 3's I recommend below. Why would you want to medicate yourself and burn your skin with prescription potions? These can often had serious, permanent side effects. Try the OMEGA 3's. There is nothing to lose and everything to gain.
Omega 3 fatty acids are magic for achieving beautiful skin. It helps in keeping skin cells moist and strong which is an essential element of younger looking skin. Recent studies have shown that a diet low in essential fatty acids – and that’s around 99% of US citizens – can lead to dry skin and premature wrinkles.
So if you want younger, blemish-free looking skin, boosting your intake of fatty acids will do wonders for its smoothness and radiance of and help you stay wrinkle free for longer as well as keep pimples and acne to a minimum. Give yourself 3 months for proven results. 

Also, to maximize its effectiveness, be sure to use a fish oil made from small fish (sardines, anchovies, krill). AND - be sure to look at mg's of each EFA & DHA ratios. The higher the better! The one brand I have found most effective in terms of quality and high fatty acid content is here. I have not yet found a more superior and effective product. Personally, Omega 3 fish oils are part of my daily supplement intake. This product contains a very high content of DHA and EPA, contains VIT E to prevent oxidation of the oils once ingested. This means you make use of WAY more fatty acids once you swallow it. If you choose a less superior product, you will need to take 8+ capsules a day to get the daily requirements of your omega 3 fatty acids AND you will get through the bottle much quicker. You get what you pay for indeed.

5-ANTI-AGING TREATMENT CREME,: This product is one I CANNOT live without. I swear by it and so does everyone else who uses this.

Now, if you're like me and get overwhelmed and skeptical of products people swear by and promote, you are thinking - "whatever, another gimmick and an empty promise in getting results from yet another skincare anti-aging product..." 

I am not going to try and promote it first of all because it is what it is. It speaks for itself and all I can do is speak of my experience with it. One of my very particular clients emailed me one day and I quote:
"My mom went into the Shoppers Drug Mart (Canada's leading retailer of beauty, health and pharmacy products and services)close to their house the other weekend and the lady at the cosmetics counter measured the moisture in her skin on her face. I guess highest is 40% and she measured 34% and the woman was shocked!! Wanted to know what cream she was using (was selling neutrogena).  

IT WAS THE PENTAXYL!! Can we order 2 more tubes... 1 for her and 1 for me when you get a minute?"
As you can see, PENTAXYL, a powerful new cosmeceutical that helps reduce the signs of aging, features an advanced formula that penetrates into the fine layers of skin for maximum results. The ingredients have been shown in clinical studies to significantly reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, increase skin firmness and thickness, improve skin discoloration and hydration and even improve skin texture and color. Regular use of Pentaxyl will leave you with a clean, vibrant and more youthful look without injections or surgery. Visible results can be seen within a few weeks.
My skin texture and suppleness has changed so much. That's how I would describe the change. I feel as though I have had my skin buffed over and over again. It's like it's been polished and plumped. It is simply amazing.

Its product description is as follows:

Primary Benefits:

-Works on both the epidermis and the dermis
-Contains Three Peptide formulas
-Matrixyl® is based on wound healing and tricks the skin to produce its own collagen
-Reduces the severity of wrinkles and furrows (especially in the brow, forehead and eye areas)
-Increases skin firmness and thickness
-Reduces skin discolorations and increases hydration
-Improves skin texture and color
-Reduces the appearance of stretch marks

***For optimal results apply day and night. Must warm up cream between your fingers and massage lightly to create a little friction and heat. It works.***
TIPS for BETTER, more BEAUTIFUL SKIN TIPS for BETTER, more BEAUTIFUL SKIN Reviewed by Unknown on 8:20 AM Rating: 5

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