Why I Stopped Wearing Makeup and You Should Too

Stop Wearing Makeup 

A little over a year ago, I completely stopped wearing makeup. I just quit makeup, cold turkey. One day I woke up in the morning, got ready to go to work and while standing in front of the mirror, I decided I would go to work with no makeup on whatsoever.

I hadn’t decided to participate in some sort of “no makeup challenge” for a day, week or month, that some writers have participated in over the last few years. At the time I decided to stop wearing makeup, I hadn’t seen or read any of the numerous articles online about women’s reasons for going without makeup for a period of time.

What did cause me to think very carefully about wearing or not wearing makeup was all of the research and reading I’ve been doing for the last few years, on all sorts of topics that I hadn’t ever given thought to question before.

I didn’t start wearing makeup until my late teens, and even then, the makeup I began wearing was done very lightly. I’ve never been one to pile on the goop to the point of virtual non-recognition. There was never a time where I would apply makeup to my face and wind up looking like someone else entirely, and then once the makeup was removed, I looked like me again. If you’ve ever noticed how some celebrity women wear so much makeup in show business, that once they’re photographed without makeup, it’s kind of shocking how different they look from their true self, their real natural face.

I’ll probably never forget the brief conversation I had with a co-worker about wearing makeup that occurred the day before I went to work without any makeup on. During the lunch break, she had read a lengthy article in some woman’s magazine about concerns over lead in lipsticks and that one of the brands mentioned was the same lipstick brand that she uses regularly.

I replied that I’ve been doing a lot of reading and research about how we’re inundating our bodies with all sorts of chemicals from the inside out and outside in, and that I’ve grown quite concerned about what these chemicals are doing to our bodies, our immune system and overall health. Makeup, personal care products, household products, our food and water supplies, and so on.

I mentioned that I was seriously considering not wearing makeup anymore, even to work, and the only time I might apply any kind of makeup products was for a very special occasion or wedding etc, but only in minimal amounts. She looked at me for a moment and said she didn’t think I had on any makeup that day at all anyway, but I was wearing foundation, concealer, blush, eyeshadow, eye liner, mascara and lipstick.
She then told me about a day over a weekend that she went to the grocery store without wearing any makeup and happened to run into a woman she knew, who appeared shocked at the number of freckles my co-worker has on her face, that she covers up with makeup. The woman had the nerve to say “Don’t ever leave the house without makeup on your face ever again”, and then walked away shaking her head. Needless to say, that extremely rude remark left her feeling very self-conscious about herself and her natural appearance, and thus far she has never gone a day where she hasn’t applied various cosmetic products to cover up what she was told the public should never see again. Her real face.

We, as a society, have been brainwashed by industries for many many years, bombarded with online and offline propaganda and advertising about what men, women and even children, are “supposed to” look like, dress like, smell like, talk and walk like. These attitudes and belief systems are also pushed on us by well-meaning family and friends and acquaintances who find it difficult, if not impossible, to consider how our thoughts and beliefs can and have been so easily manipulated.

Girls, teenagers and adult women are told it’s vitally important to buy makeup products to cover up our natural, God-given face. Because society says, and industry says, we look better with makeup on. Society and industry says to over up spots, blemishes, acne and scars. Spray on chemical perfumes and colognes because society and industry says we’re supposed to smell certain ways, because the “fragrance” of a clean freshly washed body isn’t enough.

Having taken the time to fully understand the problems and health implications for children, teenagers and adults, from all of the various ways our bodies are being inundated with toxic, harmful chemicals, from the inside out and outside in, I stopped wearing makeup and I don’t miss it at all.

As a grown woman in my early 50’s, I encourage girls and women of all ages to take the time to research and read about the various ways these harmful chemicals in makeup and personal care products are toxic to the body, and make an informed choice about whether to wear or not wear makeup anymore. I’m certainly aware of “safer” makeup options, such as some “mineral makeup” products, but “safer” does not necessarily mean tested and proven to be completely safe.

If or when those very special occasions or weddings come up, where I may decide to wear a wee bit of makeup just for that occasion, I will dig deep into the “Skin Deep” database at The Environmental Working Group’s website for detailed information about specific products and brands of makeup before buying any kind of makeup.

Considering the various chemical products on the market that consumers use on a daily basis, and how many seconds it takes for all of those chemicals to enter the bloodstream, should offer enough reason for careful consideration and personal evaluation.
Why I Stopped Wearing Makeup and You Should Too Why I Stopped Wearing Makeup and You Should Too Reviewed by Unknown on 1:14 AM Rating: 5

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