Models Own Chrome New Shades

I am partial to a metallic nail polish. I know some aren’t keen as they do tend to lean towards the side of nail shades that show up every brush stroke. But I love them – just enough shine/shimmer without needing to resort to glitter. I’m hopeful that one day a true chrome shade will be created – you know that almost mirror like chrome finish?! How awesome would that be?! But until that time we have a lovely selection of Models Own Chrome nail shades that are all various metallic versions of different shades.

Models Own Chrome New Shades

The five shades here are:
Chrome Grey – dark metallic grey
Chrome Turquoise – a blue metallic shade
Chrome Copper – metallic orange/copper shade
Chrome Pearl – silvery metallic
Chrome Red – pink red metallic


All five of the shades offer that silky smooth metallic colour. When you first apply the colour looks a little streaky and shows the brush strokes. But they all sort of ‘settle’ to create a smooth colour.
The only shade I’m a little let down by is the pearl – it’s a lovely silver but the pearl element is a little lost on me! It’s the only one that doesn’t quite match up with the bottle colour so can see how you might not be too happy if I bought it thinking it would be a match to the bottle.

My favourite shade would be the grey though. You know. All grey anything!
Models Own Chrome New Shades Models Own Chrome New Shades Reviewed by Unknown on 1:09 PM Rating: 5

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